Best CD

I currently use a Pioneer Elite PD-F27 as a transport / CD jukebox (301 discs). I need the jukebox functionality to accomodate my wife's needs and wants, mainly to keep discs and boxes from littering the room. However, the rest of my system is at a different level:
Timbre TT-1 DAC w/ Theta TLC
BAT VK-5 w/ Upscale Audio hotrod tube set
Krell KSA-200S stereo amp
Martin Logan SL3s
Fully balanced throughout. AQ and Analysis Plus cables throughout.

Any thoughts or recommendations on an alternative to the PD-F27, preferably something w/ a few hundred disc capacity? Balanced or glass digital out would be nice too.
Would be a shame to use all that high end gear on a format like MP3.

Marantz makes/made? a high capacity changer, and I feel would make a good transport. Sony as mentioned previously, or Denon. I can't say if any of these would really be an improvement on the Pioneer, as the Elite line is pretty solid, but if you got the time and money, try them out.
I'm interested in nearly the samething. I'm setting up a system for the kids playroom so they grow up hearing real music. Since the eldest is 3 yrs. old. Although she quite capable with the DVD player, I don't want them handling cds or have a bunch of jewel boxes floating around.

I'm going mid-fi; a used NAD C740($150), Ascend CMB 170s($300), and then I'm wondering who has the better transport in a sub $300 mega-changer to mate with a used DAC(around $100) from agon. In my case a 100+1 changer should be sufficent.

Murphthelab- Do you have connections for another component? If so maybe the solution is a nice single disc transport for yourself and still use the Pioneer for the disc storage and your wife.
It's funny I never thought to look on agon for mega changers before but there are some in my price range.So much for all that time I've spent checking ebay. LOL
Newbie13, you're right, I could connect a separate transport in addition to the Pioneer. The obvious downside is that many of the CDs I'll listen to are loaded and coded in the mega changer. So unloading and reloading will be a pain. Also, getting another box and component real estate is a sticky issue (DVD, big Krell, Tice power center, HT Receiver, BAT pre, Mega Changer, DAC). Running out of room...
We've got the lower end Pioneer mega-changer and did a spread sheet by both type(jazz,blues,roll-n-roll, etc) and alphabetical with the corresponding slot number. I can grab any CD I want out of it in seconds. And guests can scan our collection and pick something out. Best thing is no jewel boxes scattered around or shelving to store CDs just a file box with all the liner notes in alphbetical order. I did just get a burner so I can copy stuff for the cars and travel since that seems to be where/when CDs disappear.

Of course we did the "library" sheet when orginally loading the changer and setting up our sets.

If I ever build a system of your caliber I really think the mega-changer stays and I'll add a single transport.