HELP: Bel Canto DAC and my cables aren't working..

I bought a used Bel Canto DAC1 to use with a Pioneer DVD system that I have. I got the DAC for a good price and I couldn't resist. Ok, so it arrives in good condition and I use a Monster Digital cable that I have and it doesn't work. I fiddle with everything and nothing. So, I take off the Monster and I try an Audioquest cable and still nothing. I am thinking that something is broken after I try changing everything, but the kitchen sink. Ok, lastly, I have one last test to do and the cables are out of reach, so I plug in a cheap Radio Shack cable and HOLY MOLY, the music comes to life. So, I think, I must have set something right, so I reach for one of my better cables and guess what? None of the better cables work. The only thing that works is the cheap Radio Shack cable.

What am I doing wrong?
Talk to Bel Canto. This is not an unknown problem which is likely related to the Crystal chip used in the DAC 1. I think they will rectify it for you at no cost (aside from shipping). There customer service is exemplary.
Thanks for the help. I powered down everything and powered it up and now the DAC is accepting all my cables. I am thinking that the Bel Canto needs to synch up with my other components. Everything works fine now, but I am still going to contact Bel Canto just in case.
I contacted Bel Canto and they suggested that I leave the DAC and the source on at all times.
Matchstikman: Glad to hear you were able to resolve the problem. Thanks for posting the response that you obtained from Bel Canto. It confirms my own personal findings regarding digital and / or rf based signals i.e. temperature stability accounts for a LOT of what we hear and measure. Turning the units off and on reduces thermal stability and increases wear and tear. Sean