friend is looking for good $800-$1200 cd player

new or used

cannot be top loading so Rega's are out

wants engaging musical performance and good tonal balance

new or used - preferably with remote

he has a plinus 8200 int, B&W Matrix 3 speakers and a 12 by 15 room (he's moving up from an old denon)

any suggestions?

I still think the balanced Theta Miles player is a steal at less than $1000.00 used. Depending on your system, you can get the advantage of the built in analogue volume control and bypass a preamp. Highly recommended.
The Vecteur L4 used is really an incredible player and a very well regarded transport as well. Very impressive.
In response to Sugarbrie opinion: does it worth to mod NAD c541i to accept IEC powercords? Its cost may be comparable to the NAD's price...

Upgrading to accept IEC cords more-likely will be pointless unless you wish to use longer cord. This general rule of thumb can be applied to any NAD electronics since the wall AC influence problems are taken care of inside their boxes.