Presumably, if you were the shipper and you purchased the insurance, you had the right at the time of shipping to dictate terms of delivery. So, if they have a release of signature on file, that release had to be signed by you to permit them to leave it at the door. Did you sign it? If you deny having signed it, did they give you a copy of the shipping document showing your release of confirmation? If they cannot produce the release and you did not sign one, you should sue FedEx in your local small claims court.
If you in fact did sign the release of confirmation, and he in fact never received it, you are stuck. But what I find curious is that a guy strapped for cash who denies having received the amp would then nevertheless agree to write you a check for $2,500.00. I know if I had been him, and if I had honestly never received it, I would have called the police to report a theft and sent you a copy of the police report with my apologies. But a check? No way.
Your options (such as they are): Call the police with a charge of theft, or file a suit in Lubbock TX to get your money back. Good luck.
Presumably, if you were the shipper and you purchased the insurance, you had the right at the time of shipping to dictate terms of delivery. So, if they have a release of signature on file, that release had to be signed by you to permit them to leave it at the door. Did you sign it? If you deny having signed it, did they give you a copy of the shipping document showing your release of confirmation? If they cannot produce the release and you did not sign one, you should sue FedEx in your local small claims court.
If you in fact did sign the release of confirmation, and he in fact never received it, you are stuck. But what I find curious is that a guy strapped for cash who denies having received the amp would then nevertheless agree to write you a check for $2,500.00. I know if I had been him, and if I had honestly never received it, I would have called the police to report a theft and sent you a copy of the police report with my apologies. But a check? No way.
Your options (such as they are): Call the police with a charge of theft, or file a suit in Lubbock TX to get your money back. Good luck.