looking for best isolation platform for CD player

Looking for best isolation platform for High End CDP , Linn / Audio Aero Capital/ Ensemble new cdp out next few weeks / not sure yet what I'm getting. Using XA7ES right now.

I have a stand now ( Atlantis ) and looking at audio points /silent feet, not quite sure if these are the right ideal or is there a perfect platform specialy for CDP .

Note: just bought Sistrum SP1 for my amp should be here next week.
Joe, you might want to speak with Dennis Gulino who also is a member of the Chicago Audio Society and who has a Sistrum rack. For what it's worth, Robert Maicks of Audio Machine & Design (makers of Sistrum and Audiopoints products) visited the club quite a few months ago and talked about and demonstrated some of the products. A different approach and a different set of objectives, from what I can tell.

Larry go to Audiopoints.com All their products are a continuim..I feel all of them, that I use are based on the same for me common logic..resonant energy transfer. Yes the platforms and racks work across the board with every kind of device cd dvd pre--power --speakers and even pig screen tv; Gee they to are all a continuim of resonance. Get that shit out of Dodge..When it leaves and has a place to go the end result is much better sound and video..So here I go again touting the shit I use and I feel is the best and the only sensible way to get There..Leaving myself open again but I am not going to change unless Joe or some other good natured fellow can show me different... Until then I will enjoy the direct coupled effect..Yea Baby.....Tom
I feel much the same way Tom does. I like what I have and I'm not going to change until I hear something better. I have a Berning ZH270 amp. It is a wonderful tube amp but only weighs 10 pounds. The platform that Larry designed has improved the already spectacular sound of the Berning. If you have a Berning, make this platform--buy it or steal it or something!!! It makes a huuuuuuge difference.

Do you, in any way, have financial ties/interests with the Sistrum products?

A simple yes/no would be great/super.


As a salesman at a retail store sometime back I use to be criticized by upper management for not using in my home system, products that were sold at our retail stores..If in my mind I thought a product sounded better at a price point that I could afford then that was the piece I would buy, not the one I was pushed to buy.

My financial obligation is to myself and to my family not to Sistrum or any other manufacturer. I have purchased alot of Starsound products all for me and all for use in my system..These products are at odds with the current accepted theories of isolation. Thats great! So I'am a now a free radical, just as I was 32 years ago. Maybe at odds with the norm but not with my beliefs. Tom