Which universal player: DV-50 or Trivista?

I'm still undecided. I don't think I need multichannel, but I'd like to have all three formats: CD, SACD and DVD-A. Officially the Trivista isn't DVD-A compatible, but in fact it is (that's what the rep credibly affirmed).

CD sound is very important because most of my music is on CDs, but in case I have a Bel Canto DAC2 at my disposal which I like a lot (fed by the 963SA). Nevertheless I would be glad if redbook sounded even better. And of course the high-rez formats are important, too, but it should be easier to surpass my 963SA's SACD playback quality -- which isn't bad at all, BTW.

I listen a lot to headphones (HD 650), and one of the Bel Canto DAC2's advantages is its low output impedance allowing the direct connection of a headphone (via 500-ohm pot) to eliminate an additional amplification stage. The Trivista's 50 ohm are acceptable as well, but the DV-50 seems to have 450 ohm -- an other source sais 45 ohm... Well, I have two high-quality headphone amps and use these most of the time anyway...

In short: which player sounds better (and how)? What about the handling (need of a TV screen...)?
The TriVista is one of the best SACD/CD players that I have heard. You need to put so weight on the top of the player as the top metal is a little thin. It has a very sweet sound adn I prefered it over the Levinson 390. I never heard the DV-50.

Happy Listening.

Thanks, Bigkidz!

I'm sure there are also other people who have heard both players and can judge them...
If you listen to CD a lot, Musical Fidelity just introduced their Trivista 21 Dac, which is a separate redbook DAC, with the Trivista player circuits and some improvements. Hi-Fi+ reviews it in the current issue and, likes it a whole, whole lot. Runs about $1800 list.