Why so many Sony Scd-1 for sale?

I know it was the first one. But why now?
I dont' think the SCD-1 will ever become badly outdated. It's like XA7ES, Nak Dragon, and others - things of that caliber always hold a fair bit of value. Top of the line stuff that was built well and never will be made like that again....

It's also possible to future-proof it and use it as a transport only with DSD digital out. (Meitner has done this. I have a SCD-1 that has that option from him.)

Hey Jwmazur...if it was so well designed, why was there any need to have it hot-rodded? :-)

There is no doubt in my mind that there will be many well-designed, solid players to enter the market in the future. As a matter of fact, aren't there several out there now? (from Accuphase, Luxman, Esoteric, etc) This is high-end audio afterall...the promise of bigger, better, and more expensive is guaranteed.
Elizabeth, you're wrong - there is a cabal. People are shorting SCD-1s trying to cause a run on the market whereupon they will turn around and pick them up cheap, leaving the poor suckers who sold theirs trying to buy back at elevated prices when they realize what they did...

Just kidding. :^)
You may see the answer from another question:

Why there are not many SA1 selling in market?

I used to received offer to have Sony SCD-1 add cash to exchange to SA-1.
Phild-The Sony project manager even admitted that they couldn't take this to the level they thought it could go as far as the electronics. The build quality and the transport section are the remarkable things of this unit. Just saw the Luxman-oooooh!