SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel

Are they the same? Is one superior? Are they system dependent?
It has to do with dynamic range -- CD is compressed compared to
SACD. It also has to do with the filtering used with CD playback
and digital gaps due to the lower sample rate. It has to do with the
significantly lower noise floor of SACD. Has to do with the digital glare of CD which is not audible on SACD.
Anybody listen to the Mark Levinson "Live Recordings at Red Rose Music" SACD? Pretty fabulous recording.

Of course most SACD's are not recorded as well as this one. But it sure beats any of my redbook cd's.

Nrchy, this SACD is a collection of tracks from guests at ML's red rose store a few years ago in DSD for SACD.

TAS and others had commented very highly on the quality of this particular SACD, so I purchased it out of curiousity.

The sonics of at least some of the recordings are second to none.

I remember with the introduction of CD, the New York Times had an article that CD reproduction is perfect sound forever. And stated the new medium is much better sounding than vinyl. Most Audiophiles started giving away their turntables. Whether this was true or not (IMO not) Audiophiles after the CD medium took hold, realized the CD medium was inferior. The CD software and hardware vastly improved over time and became comparable to vinyl, however; long in the tooth audiophiles never forgot they were duped and grudgely accepted digital. Now we are asked to forgo the CD to the alleged superior SACD. Once bitten, twice shy? IMO no. I have both high end CD and SACD playback in my DCS gear. IMO the SACD has nuances, correct timbre and better layering than the CD. And if the SACD sticks around, I'm sure the software along with hardware will get better. Does this make the listening to CDs less pleasurable, of cause not. Those of us who have libraries of CD titles should get their hands on the highest end CD playback system they can afford and listen. Each medium, vinyl, CD and SACD has their own strengths and weakness'. Don't compromise your listening to music by comparisons to mediums. And by the way, I was not one of those Audiophiles to give away my turntable, in fact, I bought a Verdier Plantine Turntable with a Morch tonearm and Koetsu cartrige, when most Audiophiles were selling their rigs. And if your wondering if SACD sounds like vinyl? In a lot of respects, it most certainly does. Happy listening everyone, Iv'e just stepped down from my soapbox.