CDs obsolete in 5 years?

Interesting article.
I was reading abouyt that in Yahoo News.

Lets hope they dont waste this technology by stuffing them chalk full of MP3's. With the amount of data they can hold they should be able to have resolution easily comparable to DVD-A or SACD.

Gotta say, there is definatly something appealing about having a high resolution player that has no moving parts to wear out.

I think something like this has a far better chance to replace CD's than SACD or DVD-A, especially if they use all that space to ensure some wicked resolution. Hell, if they use this stuff to audiophile standards, it will probably replace all three formats.

It would certainly be a practical storage medium, and with that kind of capacity, who knows where it will lead.

Im sure that vinyl will continue no matter what.
Now if we could get the music out of the PEDOT polymer directly into our auditory cortex, all of out hardware would be obsolete too!
There ya go Thsalmon,

get some plugs like the people in "The Matrix", jack that thing up to your head and your are literally IN the concert hall.