Aero Capitole as pre-amp for Spectral DMA-150?

Can I use an Aero Capitole mk II directly into my Spectral DMA-150 without problems? I consider buying this magnificent cdp, but my Spectral dealer predicts major disasters because the ultrawide band Spectral cannot cope with possible megahertz artefacts produced by the cdp. He has experienced several fatal problems caused by Mark Levinson 39 or 390S cdp's used as a pre amp. He doesn't sell or knows the Capitol, but fears it will even be worse because of the tubed ouput stage.

I really should like to get your opinion on this -- can this doom scenario become reality? The gear is far too expenisive to take any risks...
Is my Spectral that sensitive? My current pre amp is the hybrid ARC LS-2 II, which operates flawless with the DMA-150 (and MIT Oracles/Kharma Ceramique 1.1)

Thanks in advance, and a merry Xmas!

I think you answered your own question. Why take the risk?
If your dealer advised against it, why would you bother seeking advice from people you dont know? Use your head man. Do you not trust your dealer? My next question would be then why do you do business with him. By the way, he is correct, go to Spectral's website or call them. Unless of course you are one of those people who keep asking the same question until you get the response you are looking for.
I would tend to agree with Vader. You might try asking Darryll at digital systems. He repairs Audio Aero gear and, if I am not mystaken, he has some experience with other units. I did a search on him and there is certainly more to him than Audio Aero.
I wouldn't do it. I think you'd need the "Universal" version of the DMA-150 in order to pull this off successfully.
Actually, I'm surprised the ARC preamp works as well as you say with the DMA-150. I used to own a DMA 200 and before I was able to scrape up the cash for a Spectral preamp (DMC 20 SII), I ran a ARC SP-6C into it. It didn't match well at all. I believe it was a really bad impedance mismatch. As for your original question, don't do it!!!