Hi, Does anybody here know ANYTHING about this? I JUST saw it on the news when I came home for lunch. They said something about a LABOR dispute??? Please fill me in! I have Directv, and I was wondering if MY system is going to be affected. Thanks.
Yeah, we'll get a $1 credit (I don't have the locals), but somewhere I heard that Viacom was getting $4 or $5 per subscriber for the channels from Dish. Where's the rest of the $3 or $4??
Viacom is trying to get a big raise in an age when most people are just happy to be working. I'd love to take a pull of AudioGoner's salary history during this century. I'd probably see some gaps in pay for alot of us.
p.s. I hope Charlie Ergen holds out. (He owns Echostar / DishNetwork). Yeah, he's the 40th richest publicly held salary BUT he is in touch with us normal people. (Baby Doc Bush could learn a thing or two from him).
I know in So. CA. a few years back Cable had a problem with Fox. Just about 1/2 the summer of that year: No Dodger games. I think it's hard to not see your team; and then have to take sides. As a typical consumer; I want what I want; when I want it.--- I'm an American and I just assume they're both trying to put the screws to me.---How can you take sides on that?
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