Tweaking a lower end SACD player tips

I have a Sony 1 disc SCDXE-670.
This unit was released to the European and Canadian markets only.
It retailed for $400.00
I recently borrowed a friends SCD-555ES and the difference in sound quality was suprisingly small.
I have considered mods but have decided not to.
I will start with lining the internal cover area with damping material.The player is sitting on sorbothane "little feet"
I would like to put a heavier ga.cord on it,but opening it up,I've noticed the cord wires go into a plug like thing that plugs into something else.I tried unplugging it but its snug and Im afraid I will damage it.If I cut the original cord and splice a better cord,would that be ok? I want to damp the tray also but need advice.Any other tweaks? Thanks!
If you want to really improve the Sony you'll need to get under the hood. Some ERS material place under the power supply is an easy tweak to try, but to really improve it's
performance you'll need to clean up its switch mode power supply. There should be a large cap on the power supply
around 80-200uf/350-400v. That's a good place to start with
a upgraded replacement, if you know how to solder.
Kana813-I can solder.
What brand cap would you recommend and where can I get one?
Thank you-
David- The cap you want to use is the Black Gate WK220/200,
the VK150/350. You may have to move some part around to make room.

While you're under the hood, trace the analog output back and see if there are electrolitic cap in the signal, if
so replace them with N or NX series BGs.