Best Redbood CD Player Used/New under $7K

Any thoughts or experiences. My short list includes Wadia 860/861/21, Sony SCD-1 w/R Kern Full Mods, Metronome Reference Stack, Shanling T-200 Level 1 Plus,

Others I should consider?

I currently use JRDG Model 12's and Coherence II, Magnepan 20R's

Listen to jazz, vocals mostly. Thanks
The Shanling will not compete with the other CDPs. The Wadia 861 to me is the best of the Wadias you listed. I have heard the Metronome CDPs but not he one you listed. Over all good for the used prices but not the best I have heard. The Sony will full Kern mods competes with the Wadia 861 but the Wadia is a little softer sounding and the Sony will have slightly more details with the mods. The Wadia can be run direct into your amp if that is important. The Wadia will also work well direct into the JR 12s.

Happy Listening.
If you have a Audio Research dealer near you, take a listen to their CD 3MKll.
Audiomeca Mephisto 11.X is the best Redbook digital I have heard with the exception of the ultra expensive dCS gear.
I would also mention the Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP for you to take a listen to.

I have also heard great rumblings about the Wadia 861, but have no personal experience with it.