Odeon-Ag or Music Fidelity Trivista DAC is better

I´m planning to upgrade my digital front end, currently a Pionner Elite PD 65 CD player I think is my system´s weakest link.
I´m considering the Music Fidelity Trivista Upsampling tubed DAC or the Birdland Odeon-Ag.
My problem is I live in Mexico and have not the chance to audition personally any of both.
I´ll thank You any opinion and advise at this respect, if you have listen both, and better: if you have compared side by side.
My best regards
Just a thought- You may want to consider an Electrocompaniet ECD-1 as well. It's a VERY good DAC and you can find them on the 'Gon from time to time for $1250 to $1350.00. If you did'nt like it (which I doubt but you never know) you could resell it fairly quickly.

Good Luck!
I have an Odeon Ag with the reclocker, and I love it. With the reclocker the two DACs are pretty similar in price (1800 Birdland vs. 2000 MF w/dealer trade-in offer). I've heard the MF Trivista and was impressed, but I didn't hear it on my system at home. The system I heard was an all MF rig, with really nice Spendor speakers. Well beyond what I have at home, so the comparison isn't meaningful. I think you'll love either one. I would make sure they both have the features you want (mainly the interconnect options) and go with whomever gives you the better deal.
I should also add that the MF will give you that lush TUBE sound. If that's your bag, then the MF is the one for you. The Odeon will excel in tight definition and spatial dimensions.