hi-end universal players?

Linn's Unidisk, Goldmund, the new Theta Compli, MSB Platinum Universal, Bell Canto, Esoteric etc etc...

How do they compare?

How do they compare on CDs with the better CD players?

Which one the best in terms of CD? SACD? DVD-A?

Given the age of uncertainty, but a personal interest in high-rez, I am tempted to just go with an universal player, though concerned all that circuity, especially for video, will degrade the quality...how about you?
I'd be happy with an EMM labs universal dac. But I can't afford it!
Re mainstream players, I heard a Denon multiplayer (211?? something like that) that was reasonably good on cd -- that is, it offers detail but is a bit compressed dynamically compared to my stand-alone, but not annoyingly so.

Mass market products always raise the question of suitable mods, don't they. I.e., who is it that offers the best tweak that brings the Denon/Sony/Teac etc to the sonic level of a specialist cdp...
I'm getting the EMM Labs new transport + DCC2.

But that doesn't play DVD-A. I am not sure about the format so what is US$5000 and below player that is exceptional for DVD-A, to be hooked via analogue inter-connects to the DCC2 which also acts as a pre-amp?

Note given I am set w/ CD and SACD, I just need a player that does well on DVD-A, CD quality ain't an issue.

One of the Arcam players?
I remember that yet recent and most common advice was to leave CDP alone, and to stick to Philips 963sa for SACD until the universals improve in quality/price ratio. My try with Marantz 8400 confirmed it for me, as its CD quality caused me to return it back ASAP. I didn't look on Lexicon as many were saying that it too resembles the same Marantz.
Just curious if that rule is still correct?..