CDP question?

Looking for input on a new or used CDP in the $1500 range.
Equipment now,
Monitor Audio GR20 speakers
Plinius 8200MKII but will most likely upgrade to 9200 in near future. May also go with a Belles 250i.
Toshiba 6200 CD/DVD player
Looking for a solid stand alone CDP that will match well with the above equipment and will handle primarily Jazz and Rock.
So far all your suggestions on the rest of my system have been fantastic, so thanks again for your help.
I just recently acquired a Cary 303/200 for around that price used and I love it. It gives just enough detail and is moderately warm and quite musical. Plus it is truly feature laden, with user selectable upsampling, HDCD, RCA and XLR audio outputs, and digital in and outputs. The build quality is fabulous, a solid 35 lbs and a solid metal remote. Very highly recommended!
I've got to recommend the Jolida JD 100a. A very nice player which takes quite a few hours to break in, and some good tubes and isolation to sound it's best. But when it all comes together, it's hard to believe the sonics of this player for the price you have to pay. An excellent bargain.

As a side note, I just spent the weekend listening to it on a Sistrum SP-1 and the improvement has to be heard to be understood. Unless this is an anomaly of my system, the Sistrum should be considered prerequisite for this player.

Good luck,

For just a tad more, you can get a brand spanking new Audio Aero Prima. Sweetest cdp I know of. A couple of tubes help that happen. This baby will go tete a tete with the big boys and holds its' own. The Prima is 90% ot its' big brother. AND that's an $8k plus magnificent momma. I'm a jazz man, and the Prima works beautifully in my system. peace, warren