Why no DOOMS DAY sales?

I thought for sure there would be some hi end equipment showing up here for pennies on the dollar. You cannot take it with you, ya know. Some Audio Research, Magico, and DCS would be nice. So sad.
On an aside, it would be interesting to find out what, if any, things were done at the old Mayan temples. There are enough around with ties to Mayan culture so it would stand to reason that some might have gone the extra mile and put a human heart in good old Choc Mals belly.

I'm just saying.

All the best,
I'm so screwed. I spent my life savings on Dooms Day partying (who needs money when you're dead)and it didn't happen. As an aside, I got screwed by Y2K also !!!! :)
The Mayans just came out with a new calendar. Got the one with naked glyphs for the shop.
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