Looking to better my redbook action....

Hi folks...
I'm going to have around $1500 to spend, and i'm looking to take redbook as far as I can go w/this AND not need a preamp. so, transport/DAC combo or CD player w/volume.
I like coming here to fish for ideas....

my first thoughts....
- benchmark dac-1 and transport in the $4-600 range
- shanling t-100 model

i'd go used, all the way.
no preamp in ether setup. the output here would run to a McCormack dna-1 > VR4

any comments, suggestions or concerns are greatly appreciated.
Take a look at the Stello DA220 DAC also.
Go here to read the recent Stello DA220 Review by Doug Schneider at Soundstage.com

Where'd you buy the Opus 21 from? That's a great discount considering retail for this player is/or at least used to be $3500. Thanks Sam

Sorry if I confused you. The Opus 21 was used, albeit in great condition, (and fully updated as well). Yes the retail is still $3,500.