Muse model 9 sig CD player how good?

I own a Sony DVPS9000ES and wonder how a Muse model 9 would compare to it or others I have had in my system. I have also listened to a Meridian 508/24 and Sony SCD1. I especially liked the Meridian.

I like a neutral sonic signature and especially hate overly powerful/thick bass.

I especially care about the CD redbook and DVD sound as I watch movies quite often and do not really care about the high rez formats.

My system is: Audio Note Soro SE, JM Reynaud Trentes with Audience AU 24 IC and JMR HP 216A speaker bi wire.

Any recommendations/comparisons are appreciated


I owned a 9 sig for about 3 years. It was a generation 3 unit. I miss it. I should have never sold it. It replaced a Wadia 850. I like the Muse better.

The muse will compete with the Meridian.

Make sure you get the Signature version. It has a much better analog output stage than the normal 9.
Just my 2¢ - The Muse 9Sig was my single-component solution for 2ch redbook and dvd video front end. At the time of my purchase, the distance between mass market dvd/cd players and declared hi-end units were vast in quality and price. I think the 9Sig reputation of excellent sound and video continues because it's original targets for playback performance were very high. The cutting edge nature of the Muse designer and upgrade path for future formats made the Nine an appropriate choice for me.

I have heard the units you mentioned, although not in my system. The 9000 I haven't heard, but it is prized by many as well. I would consider the Muse character as being neutral and controlled. Not the most relaxed or fluid as I have heard, but very competent. Trust your own decisions about better or best. IMO, the Muse has a refined sound that elevates it above the crowd.

Good luck.
The Muse sig 9 set a standard for redbook players. The new Muse 10 is far superior. Muse is neutral, detailed, musical and very listenable. It has some of the best midbass response of any player and its soundstage is as accurate as it gets. The Muse 10 is better than the Theta Compli (sorry people) and gives Wadia a run for its money. Give any Muse component serious consideration.
I upgraded my 9 sig gen3 to a 10, the improvement in cd playback was audible and significant, but not jaw droppingly different - a bit more clarity in the midrange and a bit more smooth and extended on the top - not that it wasn't good before. I would hold off on the universal model 11 - uless you need sacd - Kevin Halverson will admit that the redbook playback on the 10 is better than on the 11. So, I think you will really enjoy the model 9 sig - its a great player!