AA capitole mk2 VS. Wadia 861

I'm in the process of downsizing to a single box player!
Seems it's down to two units!?
So, is there anyone out there which has compaired these two units head to head?
I've read many things, and as it seems it's leaning towards the capitole going off as the winner...!!?
But, is it really the better of these two ?
Anyone able to pin down what is the different,
talking sound-characteristics and philosphy between these two combatants?

Most thankful for every avaible info
I've had both and the Audio Aero is a lot better to my ear. I'd say the Wadia sounds electronic or digital compared to the natural sound of the Capitole.
Well, I have the Wadia 861 im my system. It does NOT sound "electronic" or "compressed" or "disappointing" at all. Not by a long shot. I have not heard the AA Capitole Mk 2.
The Wadia 861 is NOT a player you can buy, place on your rack shelf & begin listening. You might consider this a flaw. If so, so be it!
It takes some work to get the best out of the Wadia 861: choice of algorithm, power cord, rack & shelf dampening, dedicated lines to name a few.
I think that the Audio Aero Capitole Mk2 will, most likely, be similar 'cuz there is hardly any product out there that doesn't need to be optimized for its sound.
Great Northern Sound offers mods for both the Wadia & the AA Capitole! So, what does that tell you - for one thing, both players can do w/ a mod & will sound much better.
The Wadia does seem to need a mod to improve its sound & this is disappointing for such an expensive player BUT it can be made to sound excellent in its stock form. I have taken this player to 2 friends' house & compared it to the stock Sony 777ES & stock Sim Audio Nova. The stock Wadia 861 with stock power cord was better each time by the resp. owner's admission. In fact, the Wadia 861 sound way better in redbook mode than the 777ES in SACD mode. This, again, by that owner's admission.

Also, REMEMBER: the Audio Aero is French & will have a European sound signature. The Wadia 861 is American & will have a US sound signature.
Additionally, the AA is tube based while the Wadia is solid-state.
Some mental calibration for these 2 major factors must be made by the listener.
It is NOT an apples-apples comparison!

The best is to audition the players - a friend or a dealer - to find out what floats your boat. If you cannot, do take into consideration what I have written.
Well, thanks for Your input!
Of course i've had taken the differences between solid state and the tube output of the AA in to mind and thought!
That is my major concern also, i am not really a tube kind of guy and i lean strongly towards US signature of reproduction.
I have never been especially found of any French products, not even the later JM Lab speakers.
To my ear they are strongly towards highlighting the mid and high frequency reproduction.
Bass (attack) is sometimes to smooth/withdrawn also authority and body is lacking a bit for my taste.

Well back to the players!
What has been 100% Wadia has becomn more of 40/60, still i feel stronger for the 861..but far to many is raving about the CAP mk2 to leave it ignored.

Though i still wonder, if it is close in the speed and bass attack/impact?
Or is it losing big against the Wadia?

Money is of course a big issue and the second hand AA CAP mk2 is almost 50% against 2hand Wadia 861.

Thanks for the input guys!
Bombaywalla's comments seem too wordy, very defensive and less than helpful.
-The three people who made comments about the sound of the Wadia have heard or OWNED both and said that's what they heard upon comparison.
-He hasn't heard the Audio Aero, where others posting have heard both.
-From what he says himself, it sounds like the Wadia needs to be modded to compete...?
-Bombaywalla only compares it to a Sony 777ES and SimAudio Nova - hardly a valid comparison against good competition...
-US vs. French "signature"? Huh? Tube vs. solid state, fine, but nationality?
- no, they're not both "apples" but they're both CD players and can be compared easily and.....
- the Capitole is better!
- I've heard both and the Capitole wins. Inpieces, you needn't worry about response at any part of the frequency range. If there's a deficiency heard, you'd be better-off looking at your cables, amp, speakers and room placement.
- I will agree with one thing Bombaywalla contributed: "The best is to audition the players - a friend or a dealer - to find out what floats your boat."
ok the 861 is better than the capitol 2 in my opinion and in my system definitely the Wadia gets the timing correct to me the capitol 2 bass is little bit thicker than reality especially the upper bass if your speakers lack upper bass the capitol may be a better choice for you. the 861 can be made to sound absolutely astonishing at Great Northern sound specifically the statement upgrade