Has anyone tried vibrapods with the Sony XA777ES

My surround system is complete! I wasn't going to do anymore tweaking, but for $6 a piece, I'll give it a try. It's a 45 pound unit. Anyone come up with a good configuration of pods both with regards to placement and mix of tensile strengths?
You could try racket balls sitting in the vibrapods. The balls must contact the units underside and be properly loaded by the top weight. They are cheap and give you an idea of what direction you're going. The bike inner tube works too but check out Dave's advice above. Have fun.
Bigkidz Hi.
I did just that,myself.Wooden case on silicone bumpers ,partially filled with lead shots,and a horizontal devider that holds the 14 inch bike innertube.The whole thingy is supporting a shelf wich holds my transport.
Having had the Pods for years and years - and this is addressed by the manufacturer - is that they tend to flatten over time, and must be refreshed by baking in a warm oven.

This experience has settled in my brain by the opinion that each day that passes, they ain't quite what they were yesterday. I'm not into PM on vibration isolating devices; time is short and precious enough as it is. Now using shelves/platforms.
Hi Davehrab,

I just want to make a point of clarification - Vibrapods are made of Neoprene, not Sorbothane.

Best Regards,

Barry Kohan

Disclaimer: I am a manufacturer of vibration control products.