I am the very happy owner of a Exemplar Denon 2900. What an incredible player. For you other Exemplar owners:
Two questions.
1. Do you leave the unit in "Standby" mode or do a hard shutdown with the main power button? Anyone know what John Tucker recommends? My concern of course is heat and shortened tube life if left in standby.
2. Do you utilize the "pure direct" mode- shutting off video functions? Is it worth it to do so? (My Stereo rig is completely seperate from any video display...to use "Pure Direct" I'll have to drag a monitor in and temporarily connect the Exemplar 2900 to it to shut the video functions off.)
I emailed John Tucker with these questions,but I think he's working 28 hours a day building units- I have'nt heard back from him.
Danlib1, as I said earlier, I do miss the HDCD performance of the Lindemann.
Audio999, I have the full-blown unit with the Siltech wire. I guess it is the top-of-the-line. I also use the Amperex 7062 pinch waist tubes with Hal-os on each.
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