First time for this, opinions please.

I have been buying and selling on A'Gon fo almost 4 years, over 160 transactions. Not a hitch until a local transaction yesterday. I sold a CD player (Rega Jupiter) to a member who lives in my city, so no shipping involved. He came over to my house, listened to player, liked it, bought it and took it home. Later that afternoon he called and said CD player would not power up. Strange as it worked for him for awhile until he changed powercords. After some discussion of checking this or that, it was determined that powercord was changed while on/off switch was still on. At this point I said there's the problem, switching powercords with power still on likely blew a fuse or some other trip device. He did not totally agree, but said it must be an explanation. At this point I must add, said member does not hold me responsible in any way. He was just seeking my advice as to whether I have ever had any trouble of this sort.
My question is twofold:
1. Do you think changing powercords while player is powered up could cause this (I do).
2. Do you think I have any obligation to help at this point? Once again, buyer is not holding me responsible, but I have been worried about this all night. I really feel bad , as this is not a small purchase for him.
Thanks in advance,
Ag insider logo xs@2xmuzikat
Absolutely changing cords with power still on would cause this!!! An unfortunate occurance to be sure, but not your fault, NOR your responsibility. This would be like selling a used car, then taking responsibility for the repairs caused by the new owner putting sugar in the gas tank.

If you can assist by helping the purchaser find a reputable repair shop, then by all means do so, and if you are willing to offer him a ride to and from (assuming he needs that) that would be extremely accomodating. However, paying in any way, shape, or form for a problem so obviously caused by the new owner is simply too generous unless a repair tech can tell you that beyond question the Rega was about to blow (and we both know that is not the case).

I certainly applaud your noble conscience, but this gentleman has made his own bed in this case - there is no need for you to have to lie in it too.
I agree the unit was working fine at your home and admittantly in his home till he changed the cord. He is an owner. Also anyone having audio/video etc equipment should know that if you switch a powercord while the unit is on a arc, spike or just static discharge can occur. Since most of the electronics these days contain a micro-processor of one type or another they are at risk of a static shorting.
I agree with kennyt in that if the warranty is in effect help him otherwise, he's an owner. You have displayed a good level of concience by writing this thread, but I wouldn't invest any guilt in this situation. Sleep well!
If you can help, its the best thing to do.It looks
like the buyer is nice too, by being honest,when
I read some of the DISPUTE here at Agon,some
were not even worth mentioning.But please sleep good.
And enjoy the music.
No, you do not have the obligation, it was not your fault. But if I were in the same situation, I would try to have it repaired for the buyer. If warranty already ran out, I would split the repair cost as good will because I believe friendship worths much more than money.

Just my 2 cents.
If you provided the instruction manual, and the buyer read it, hopefully there was a warning in there that pulling the plug *may be a Bad Thing. I'd be really surprised if it actually caused damage. IME, this is more likely w/ equipment that has, as mentioned, microprocessors. Typically, even when switched "off", there is still a sleeper circuit that stays on to maintain memory functions, settings, presets, and for VCR's a space heater to keep the interior warm and dry. Looking at schematics for amps and preamps, they may be a little more tolerant of hard shutdowns, but even then, they may have a warmup delay to prevent DC thumps through the system.

The McCormack UDP-1 has a front standby switch, and they warn against pulling the plug before going to the standby position. The Parasound T3 tuner, doesn't have a standby switch, but even after powering down, can be very cranky about swapping cords; losing it's display and memory.

RTFM, dummy, is still as valid as ever...