Jolida JD-100A vs. Ah Njoe Tjoeb 4000

Hi all,

I am looking to pick up a CDP with a tubed output stage. The Jolida and the Ah! are my front runners right now. I tried finding some comparisons of the two but failed. I do not think I am missing a product that would fall into this category and price range $450-$600 used/new, but if I am let me know. I am interested in comparisons of both stock units and upgraded versions. Please feel to leave any input regarind where I should head.


I have the Jolida and I just love it! My local dealer says that you can change the sound quite a bit with different tubes - something he says isn't always true. I am getting some Sylvania 5751 today to try but even with the stock tubes, it is the best player I have heard in my system (and I have tried Arcams, various Sony ES, Marantz, and CAL). By the way, there is no "100A" - there is only one model and it is officially the 100. I have not heard the Ah! but I can say the Jolida has an awesome build with the nicest metal remote I have ever seen. It is very impressive in all aspects for the price. Arthur
The Heart CDP's are supposed to be pretty good. I haven't heard one but I am interested. This link compares the Heart to the Jolida.

check this out
I have a Heart. Not bad considering I paid $450. I chose the Heart over the Ah because the AH uses opamps for voltage gain (the tubes are only a buffer). The Heart uses a true tube output, no opamps.
What did u do im stuck between the
1.supertroeb plus upsampler
2 Joulida 100
3. Heart
4. Arcam Solo
I still have not picked one yet. Plus, I am now looking at the Eastern Electric MiniMax. The Heart and Jolida have different sounds if you read the previously mention tnt review in this thread. Sorry I cant help more - Dan