Mark Levinson 390S or Resolution Audio Opus 21

I know their is a big price difference, but has anyone done a shoot out between these two?
dont change the power supply voltage with getting permission or...."big brother" will scold you by lockign you out of your own player. See info below. Can someone reverse crunch the numbers to get the method used to determine the code, or would you need one more code for verification?
No 39/390S AC Mains setting procedures

To set the AC Mains:

1. Start with the No 39 power off.

2. While pressing and holding the “mode -“ and “mode +” keys turn power on. “idxxxx” will be displayed (in this instance xxxx represents the 4-digit code in No 39 memory).

3. The 4-digit code displayed to the user must be called/faxed or emailed to MADRIGAL service personnel to determine the required 5-digit access code required for initialization of the unit.

4. Once the access code is obtained, press the “pause” button. The display will now show “>= “ with the first digit flashing “0”. The “prev/rew” and “next/f.fwd” keys will allow the entry of the first digit in the access code by incrementing or decrementing the number to be entered. Once the correct number is displayed the “pause” key will advance to the second digit (which will now flash), then the third and so on until all five digits are displayed. If a mistake is made, repeatedly pressing “pause” will advance through the digits and will wrap around to the first digit for correction of any number.

5. When all the numbers have been entered, press and hold the “pause” button again. “AC Test” will be displayed.

6. If the 5-digit access code entered was correct, the No 39 will continue through its normal initialization sequence and operation will continue as normal.

7. If the 5-digit access code entered was not correct, the No 39 will display “id” and the 4-digit code again telling the user that the access code was incorrect and a new code must be entered.
I have Resolution audio Opus 21 for more than a year now. For 6 months I also lived with Mark Levinson no. 30.6 reference DAC. I have not heard 390S, but 30.6 is a good benchmark of the ML CD players sound.
Mark Levinson has strong, dark, stormy sound that is appealing from the first notes. It has good dynamics that is evenly spread all over the ferquency range (very rare quality). Another strong point for ML is excellent bulit quality. ML negatives: it has a very strange stereo picture. It is wide and high but the sound of instruments (and voice) seems to come from small points suspended in the air. A very strange effect (that may work with big speakers with vogue stereo picture). It is also very limited in the depth of the image - there is layering but it is more heard like height layering than in depth layering. Sound is, despite the good dynamics, very laid back. There is no microdynamic, the sound is very robust, present but with reduced `life`. This is pipe and slippers component.
On the other hand Opus 21 impress with it microdynamics and rhytmic interplay. It is one of the best PRAT players, sometimes it even seems that the instruments that had a good rhytmic quality or pace (guitar, drums etc) dominate over vocals and masses of violins. Sound is very smooth, not very extended in width but with beautiful feeling of depth that give the whole sound an etherical quality (like electrostatic speakers).
So in short ML is dark, stormy, with authorative presentation and laid back sound.
Opus is very light on his feet, airy, spacey, pacey and full of rhytm with good microdynamics, transparent and smooth but alive.
After living with both for 6 months I can not say which one is better. ML is much bettter built with more elaborated perifery (power supplies etc) but can sound more processed because of that (some call this laid back sound). Opus is much more transparent and has truer timbre. They are different and wil work differently in varoius systems. ML is more at home in big american systems with big speakers, Opus is better in horn systems, with electrostatics and in PRAT oriented systems (Naim and co.).
For me, Opus is a better player but this is based on my system (my opus is connected directly to ATC active monitors). While listening through my hedaphone system (Stax SR 007) I slightly prefered ML because of the more direct sound. Opus simply do better what is important to me in sound reproduction than ML. Please do also note that Opus is much more influenced by the quality of the electricity, ML has very good power supply - so take this into account when comparing. I am using Furutech schuko connectors and Eichman Express AC power cable which suits Opus very well.
So in my words, the Levinson sounds like solid state. While the Opus has some of the virtues of tubes.

Thanks for the info
Sold my up on high end! Heard a Denon 3805 and 3910 hooked to a pair of mirage om-9's that sounded more like music than most of the expensive gear I've owned...go figure?
ML 37 transport in for repairs.Now listening to very cheap Sony DVD player as CD source,sounds very nice!!Does make one wonder sometimes...........