Best under $2000.00 : Denon,Marantz,Onkyo,Pioneer?

I am extremely interested in purchasing the very best sonically performing universal disc player for $2,000.00 or less, brand new.
To those who have compared them or some of them:
Between the Denon DVD-5900, Denon DVD-3910, Marantz DV9500, Onkyo DV-SP1000, and Pioneer DV-59AVI, which has the very best sonics, especially playing 2 channel stereo, with the following formats:
Red-book CD's?
Which of the above has the very best video performance?
I am especially interested in the very best sonics from DVD-Audio discs playing their Advanced Resolution Stereo mixes.
Which of the above names players do you think would excel best,sonically, with the stereo mixes on DVD-Audio discs?
Thanks for all your help!

I have had a Marantz DV8300 for well over a year now and I really think it's a great overall sounding piece. The redbook cd sounds typically "Marantz", the SACD performance, while okay, is the weaker of the three foremats IMHO while the DVD-audio is awesome. I, like you, listen exclusively to the advanced resolution stereo portions of the discs.

Supposedly the Marantz DV8400 improved upon the redbook and SACD portions and I'd think the DV9500 would be every bit as good.

As a rule, I've been told that if you're into video go with the Denons and if you're into music then the Marantz or Pioneer are the way to go.

Also, keep in mind that the Pioneer and Marantz players previously shared alot of the same internals.

Good luck,

Sound, Marantz. Video, well hi def DVD is not far off so I would not knock yourself out on the video side , because when hi def DVD is a reality, you may want one of those machines. Right now Sound quality is just about maxed out at that pricepoint , but video is still evolving.
The Marantz all the way. the 8400 was very good but the audio on the 9500 is noticably better (tonally more balanced and dynamic).
The rules have changed and the Onkyo sp 1000 is the new best video player made bar none at any price.

If you want better video, you would have to go to an sdi modded player .
As far as audio, the Onkyo is the current best for everyone that has heard one whithout exception at 2.5k or less, and also has the best build quality of any 2.5k or less universal.

If you want a non fatiuging musical player that also has the very best video, look no further.

There are lots of threads at AVS and one at Audio Circle on the SP1000.
German, French reveiws as well as a current home cinema choice U.K. review all rave about it as an audio and video player and all claim it to be the best at anywhere near its price.
I can personally vouch for it being superior whith video or audio over the Denon 5900/3910, and so can many others.
The pro reviews also say its better than the Marantz 5900 and the Pioneer 59avi,as well as the Denons.

Hi def dvd may be here in a year, but there will be a format war and a long wait for any amount of actual hd software to buy.

Figure at least 2-3 more years before hi def dvd is worth venturing into.
Here is a quote from Ears at Audio Circle

The only comparison I have seen was in a German reveiw and the Onkyo won over the Marantz 9500 for video and audio..."although they did mention that the Marantz was slightly more musical so the audio side might be best compared in your systym."

Hey Ears , here at Audiogon we are all "EARS"