Best mid priced DAC for use with Cal Audio CL 15?

I have a few questions about my Cal Audio CL 15. Is the transport good enough to use with a DAC? I'm also looking for suggestions on a tube DAC that would work well with this player. Someone told me the tranports used in all the Cal Audio players are the same throught the line. Any truth to that?
Any help is appreciated.
I have a CL-15, to the best of my knowledge those only came with a digital input. Did yo or someone else have the player modded? Take a look and let me know. Zach
I don't know if it is within your budget, but I just bought a Sony SCD-777ES, not the XA777ES. My system has evolved to the point that it was REALLY showing the digital harshness of the Cal. BTW, see your other thread about cables I posted some suggestions for you there as well.
The transport is less critical in my opinion then the dac and digital cable. One of the best tube dacs are the older Audio Logic 34s that you can find for around $1000 depending on the chip set inside. They can be modified by the manufacturer to current standards if you want. The AL 34 dac has 4 tubes with a separate power supply. The better the tubes, the better the sound. This DAC is better then the original Cal Alpha DAC but go with the non 24/96 version of the CAL Alpha dac. If you find an AL DAC, make sure you do a search on Agon for Audio Logic and what digital cables everyone is using, there are plenty of AL fans here on Agon.

Happy Listening.