all one has to do is listen to the recent mercury reissues, in just 3 channel SACD, and it's obvious how incredible a matched center channel can be. And surrounds make the effect that mcuh more immersive...
I am sure the Underwood (to do all 5 channels is priced rather excessively, I think) or Modwright multichannel mod (more reasonable in price) improves the sound. But when people post how incredible the APL 2 channel mod is; I ask, why can't we get that kind of mod for MC?
I am sure the Underwood (to do all 5 channels is priced rather excessively, I think) or Modwright multichannel mod (more reasonable in price) improves the sound. But when people post how incredible the APL 2 channel mod is; I ask, why can't we get that kind of mod for MC?