why no killer multichannel mods?

Like many of you, I've been following the mega-thread on the Eosteric DV-50 vs. the modded universal players. Interesting stuff.

I am disappointed how few mods (and players) are really built for killer multichannel high-rez playback. Sure Modwright and Underwood do multichannel mods, but these are just opamp swaps, for the most part. The modders really seem to have their heart in building discrete analog output stages, like the APL, Modwright Ultimate Truth mod, Exemplar, etc., but nobody has really tried to design a high end multichannel output stage. I would even welcome a discrete solid state output stage mod, but nobody has done it.

When it come to highend universals, don't talk about the Linn. I might be able to swing the price of a used DV-50, but not a Linn. Even the DV-50 gets most of its good reviews for its 2 channel performance through the balanced outputs.

I really think that a lot of the benefit of SACD is multichannel, but their seems to be a lot less interest in that on the part of the moddrs, and the rest of the folks on this forum and elsewhere. Too bad.

Just putting this out there as a suggestion...
John Tucker does a Denon 3910 multi-channel without the tube analog stage for at least one dealer. I know very little else about it.
I recently talked to both Walter(Underwood)and Mike(HRAM)about their mods to the Denon dvd3910, both are introducing a new tube mod for this player.Walter indicated that his mod was a total revamping of the current player and would be >$4000.00 I ended up going with (HRAM) 3 channel with new clock