Where will audio be in 10 years?

In honor of CES and some other emerging trends in electronics, where do you see the state of audio in the next ten years?

I see the audiophiles and the "general public" with two different systems. The audiophile will have, similar to today, separate components that will probably incorporate a CD-like player using blue laser technology to produce higher rez audio and video on the same disc. All the separate components, including amps, speakers, etc. will be connected via one cable of some high speed variety (HDMI ?).

The non-audiophiles will probably have a fat looking "receiver" which will have an amp/preamp and a giant hard-drive device incorporated in one box. On that hard drive will be audio (MP5:-), hi-rez video and whatever else (games, pictures, etc) all connected to a flat panel TV, that doubles as the computer monitor, attached to a speaker system. Of course it is all integrated with the internet which is where you'll order your music and movies instantly, on-demand.

What do you see the future holding?
vinyl will still around. CDs will still be around (for backwards compatibility). We see some sort of Hi-Diff "DVD" on a 5-inch polycarbonate disc of some sort. Low rez downloads will still be prevailent. We'll see high-end players for the low-rez media, much like we saw audiophile cassette tape decks from Nakamichi and Tandberg back in the day. SACD will fill the same niche today that reel-to-reel does.

There will still be a definite cleavage between audiophiles and the unwashed. So I agree with Jmcgrogan2 on that.

Solidstate will likely erode mindshare and market share in favor of digital amps. Tubes will still be around though. As will SETs and horns. So not everyone will be use HDMI Treyhoss!!

The interesting thing to watch may be speaker technology. Will <$4k (in 2005 money) speakers in 2015 be better than what we have in 2005? I suspect it will be more of the same. Efficiency, reasonable size, reasonable cost - pick two.
SACD and DVD-A will add another 500 titles by then, and re re re-lease another Rolling Stones set. While saying that it will still be the next best thing.

I'll still be listening to vinyl.

Wireless,all in one electronics, small& stylish. More for decor and invisibility than sound. Much as we like to hate Bose they are in touch with the trends. They are almost there today.
non hard-drive memory, as in memory 'sticks'. I heard that Apple is going to introduce products along these lines this year. the fewer moving parts, the better...

and yes, I too will still be loving my vinyl/tube setup.