I cannot give you a lot of details, as I listened to the T-7000 just briefly. I was using it with an Audio Logic M34DSB DAC, a four-tube DAC. I had sold the T-7000 and was simply testing the CD output as requested. I doubt that I listened for more than 15 minutes...just long enough to be sure of operation. As stated, I normally use a CEC TL2, a very good quality transport, that has very good synergy with the AL DAC. If interested, you can find several threads on this subject. In my testing I was using the ST-Optical connection which I have found to work very well on the AL. While I did not listen seriously, my response was very quick and very certain: "Hey, this is good!"
I cannot give you a lot of details, as I listened to the T-7000 just briefly. I was using it with an Audio Logic M34DSB DAC, a four-tube DAC. I had sold the T-7000 and was simply testing the CD output as requested. I doubt that I listened for more than 15 minutes...just long enough to be sure of operation. As stated, I normally use a CEC TL2, a very good quality transport, that has very good synergy with the AL DAC. If interested, you can find several threads on this subject. In my testing I was using the ST-Optical connection which I have found to work very well on the AL. While I did not listen seriously, my response was very quick and very certain: "Hey, this is good!"