TRL 595-how good is it?

I am a digital junky, so I have been thru well over a dozen players in the past 12 months. My favorite is the APL 3910. I just bought the TRL Sony 595 from the Tsunami auction, and will receive next week. Any one here have experience with this machine? I TT Paul from TRL and he said he is still shaking his head from disbelief on how good this puppy sounds. I am impatient, so would love some feedback. I also love the fact it is a 5 disc changer. Could it be a world beater? I have TT a person who sold his Cary 303/200 after burning this puppy in.

Ehquiring minds want to know


Thank you Deb for responding. In speaking to Paul he does not seem very enthused about moding other units besides the Sony players. This prompted my query. I was not sure if he was trying to discourage me in sending mine in.
Has anyone compared the TRL 595 to the modified Music Hall CD25? If so, what were the differences?
FYI, Stephaen Harrell's review is now up at