I've heard all of the Sony's mentioned here, and found them to be exactly as you describe: excellent detail, authority, and superb dynamics. And no midrange. The AA Prima is a much more intimate player, with a seductive midrange, and certainly enough detail and dynamics to keep most happy for a long time. It does not attack like the Sony, but it lets you into the music to a considerably greater level. When listening to the Sony players, I find myself admiring the player more than being taken in by the music. With the Prima, it is all about the music.
You could also try a Bel Canto DAC2 with your Rega. With an excellent digital cable, you will be within your budget, and well beyond the playback capabilities of the Rega.
Good luck,
You could also try a Bel Canto DAC2 with your Rega. With an excellent digital cable, you will be within your budget, and well beyond the playback capabilities of the Rega.
Good luck,