I have to add my 2 cents here, in the past I used a Denon/Proceed combo with very nice results then I upgraded to a Proceed Transport/PS Audio that was great for presentation and depth. The main point that was drilled at me was to isolate to control jitter and micro vibrations, at that time I used Sims feet very effectivly. Now With an ARC CD 2 I am using Bright Star Audio Air Mass/Big Rock 3 and the difference is jaw dropping, I used the Air Mass on it's own for 3 wks before introducing the Big Rock to evvaluate the differences, I will NEVER go back to unisolated equipment again becuse, yes it does make that big of a difference. IMO you can search for years and spend thousands seeking improvements, with the help of K.L. I am in audio nirvana and just traveling deeper into it. It's one man's opinion but I hope that it will help.