Which Used CD Player for Under $1,500?

I have narrowed my choices to the following:

Arcam FMJ CD23
Musical Fidelity A-3.2
Cary CD-303-100
Cary CD-308T
Shanling CD-T100

Which would you select and why? Open to other suggestions.

Was just in your shoes and purchased a Sony XA777ES. I could not be MORE happy. I owned a Cary CD-308 before this unit. Redbook performance is spot on and SACD is a nice bonus. I think there is one listed for $1275.00 in the classifieds. Good Luck!

the biggest issue i had with my 99-cdp,s is they wouldnt play my ralph towners solstice cd,none of them,even the stores unit.plus they skipped every once in a while.really bothered me.havent had one issue with equinox.
I too was looking at the Sim Equinox. It was my goal to do an in home audition with a Jolida JD-100 (I still may). However, as fate (or fortune) may have it I ran into an Alesis Masterlink 9600 CDP, Recorder, and HD unit. This one is a TRL mod and all I can say is that everything I have read and heard about TRL mods is true. Call it whatever you want, but I drank the Kool Ade, and now I'm on the bus enjoying every minute of it. Just for fun I'm alternating between the Alesis as a standalone and as a digtal output into my Audio Mirror DAC ($499 new on Audiogon). You can get a new Alesis ML 9600 for $800. The mod runs $550. Well worth checking out. TRL offers a money back guarantee on the mod.