Jolida JD100 better that the Rega Planet 2000?

Hello all,

I am just wondering if anyone has compared the Planet 2000 to the stock Jolida JD-100 (with or without upgraded tubes).


I currently have a Planet 2000. I am wondering if the Jolida would be considered and upgrade over it? If so, in what areas? This will not be my last redbook player as eventually I would like to own a player in the $2500 area (used of course).

If you look at my system you will see I am also running some Magnepan MG12's & a My Blue Circle CS. The CS sounds very good driving them, however I think adding more power will make a big difference. Thus I am also currently thinking a BC22 or BC24 as an upgrade. Which in turn leaves me less money for spending on a CD player.

So with that in mind, would I be better off to stick with the Rega? Or sell it and spend the few hundred to move to the Jolida with some upgraded tubes?

We owned the Planet, and then the Planet 2000. When we bought a Jolida JD-100, we sold the Rega the next day. Definitely change the tubes in the Jolida, and upgrade the PC if money permits. In terms of engagement and performance, I believe the Jolida to offer considerably more than the Rega.

In my experience, the Mullard tubes in the Jolida have a liquid sound, almost milky. Great for jazz, vocals, etc. If you listen to a lot of rock, or like a more focused and detailed sound, I found the GE and RCA 5751's to lean more in that direction.
Best of luck, Nick.
Nick, Maggies are definitely power hungry. I would recommend upgrading your amp to give them more juice which should give you more dynamics. I've upgraded to a Belles Hot Rod and haven't regretted it yet. For the money used, I can't complain. It gave me more dynamics, transparency, and details. I would think with the Planet and your BC int, it would be a good match from what I remember how the Planet sounds. Never heard the BC, but from what I've read it sounds like tubes which David Belles recommends with the Hot Rod.

If you are looking something more "tube" and analog sounding, I would also recommend a Bel Canto DAC2. I've just installed it in my system and just love it. I definitely think it's a step above the Planet. Sorry I can't contribute to the Jolida. I've always wanted to hear it and I've heard good things about it.
Thanks Rbautista,

I really like Blue Circle gear. It sounds great for the price and the company has excellent customer service. Plus I am located in Canada as they are so I can get a bit better deal (not an extra middle man).

If you are ever looking I highly recommend them. I like my CS better than my old Bryston 3B/Linn preamp combo.

So I am going to stick with the BC line up and move to one of the power amps and use my integrated as a preamp. Then once money permits I will sell my Integrated for a better BC preamp.

I am currently thinking I am going to try the Jolida? But that could change. I if I can afford too (after buying a BC power amp) I think I will go strait to an Audio Aero Prima. We will see just how much money I have left over.

Happy listening,
I've owned 2 JD-100s, 2 Planet 2000s and a Rega Jupiter. I like the Jupiter best. The Jupiter, especially preowned, is an absolute audio bargain IMO