Dedicated cdps that excel in vertical soundstaging

Any players at the 1k used level that excel in this area? I have found many that due l-r and front to back imaging...few add height...thanks...
vertical imaging? guitars from the basement? From the ceiling? no way. looking for a cdp to get vertical imaging for under $1k? I don't think you'll find one for $15k that will help you. Placement of your speakers: and that's a big maybe for vertical imaging...peace, warren
Agreed with Warrenh - what you are looking for is a function of speaker/room matching and placement.
Agree with Warrenh & Esoxhntr, with emphasis on the speaker design, which is more important than the room interface to the extent that a lot of speakers will not give you the height factor except at loud volumes no matter how well you set them up, and some speakers won't give it up at all. Best case scenerio speakers that give you height at low volume. If its in the recording your electronics will pass the signal thru to your speakers. IMHO.