Best CD Player for 800-1500 Used

could you guys help me out? i'm kind of confused choosing what CD player i should use, I already got Dynaudio contour 3, Pre-amp is Pass Labs X 2.5, Amplifier is Pass Labs X150 or X250, so which CD player would match up well with my system? thank you much

OK it's been confirmed by the owner, that his Naim Flagship CDX-XPS has been laid to rest by a $750 RAM modded Toshiba ! LOL From what I gather from reading his comments.The NAIM took a good old fashion @ss whippin! :-)
He will post a review on Audioasylum or Audiocircle once he burns the player in a little more.
My Tosh only had the famed "Vinnie mod" and I am sure not as good sounding as the RAM mod. My only concern is spending lots of $$$ on what is a $45 player in terms of longevity. At $45 when it breaks down - get another!

I figured this was the mod you were talking about Bill. There's also a guy who owns it and the Ram Toshiba. He's planning to post a review soon. I love Vinnie's products! After all.. I use his battery powered integrated daily. But there's no comparison between these two players what so ever. Infact this fellow says his Vinnie Modded unit has been in the basement since the RAM arrived!
At $45 dollars I agree. I would rather spend $45 for a new transport, than hundreds when one of these pricey players go down..which happens all the time.
...maybe the Tosh. up against entry level transports/players, it might hold its own.
I have a 3950 and it does not approach the magic of my Levinson # 37 transport (at least in my system).