TRL Sony 2000es or RAM Toshiba 3960

These two highly achieving players are similiarly priced with mods.
How do they compare?
Is one better?
I've read great things about them both.
If I like a detailed, fast, open, neutral, transparent sound, which one is for me?
Or maybe I'll get a Benchmark DAC 1!
Thanks for any comments or experiences.
For detailed, open, neutral and transparent with the best HF reproduction available, you want the Benchmark Dac 1, no question. It's a stunning dac if you appreciate hearing what the artists and recording engineers actually inteded you to hear on the disc. IF you like colorations, ripened, warm and romantic, this dac, however, is not for you....
I haven't heard the RAM Toshiba 3960, but do know that the TRL C2000ES is a great sounding player. It is very neutral, extended and full with no digititus. Think of good vinyl playback. If that is what you are looking for, you might want to go the TRL. is their website. Do a search both here at A'Gon and at in the Hi-Rez Asylum. There is plenty in the Archives.

There are also 2 reviews of TRL mods at