Reminds me of this post I read at the Apogee forum the other day:
Tiny Tim
I just read this post. Owning the VMPS RM30 i do not understand how someone would take this over a Apogee big Maggie, Soundlab etc..
quote:I have 626R w/ Auricaps, matched to a VMPS NOS sub. I have owned Quad ESL63s (and Apogee Stages, Caliper Signatures, and Divas) and the 626 has a much wider response on the top and bottom, is much more dynamic, and will play much louder than the quad, while offering the speed, transparency, and low coloration of the Quad and the Apogees. The Quad is a bit more coherent, but few speakers can best the quads in that regard. The Quad is also dipolar, which offers it's own rewards and drawbacks. I personally found the ESL 63 to be an unsatisfactory speaker for the reasons noted above; I've never been as happy with a speaker as with the 626. (I've been in this hobby seriously for 35 years, and have owned well over 100 pair of fine speakers.) The only speaker I've owned that I would take back over the VMPS is the Apogee Diva, which is an enormous dipole which I no longer have space for.
The RM30 I believe does all the 626 does on a larger scale; if my room was a bit bigger (and I wasn't still so delighted with my 626s after 18 months)I'd go with them. Taste is a huge issue, of course; YMMV.
He says that the only speaker he would take over the 626 is a DIVA. I like my RM30 too (bigger model) but i seriously would not put it up against a Apogee Maggie etc..
Wondering if this guy has the EAR or the COMPONENT thing?...or lacks both? He has owned over 100 pair of speakers he his opinion to be trusted?
It would seem that (Tiny Tim) owns Maggie 3.6's and the much larger (and better) Vmps RM-30's and does not agree with this speaker expert.
I also do not reason why opinions are worth so little to me over the years.
Tiny Tim
I just read this post. Owning the VMPS RM30 i do not understand how someone would take this over a Apogee big Maggie, Soundlab etc..
quote:I have 626R w/ Auricaps, matched to a VMPS NOS sub. I have owned Quad ESL63s (and Apogee Stages, Caliper Signatures, and Divas) and the 626 has a much wider response on the top and bottom, is much more dynamic, and will play much louder than the quad, while offering the speed, transparency, and low coloration of the Quad and the Apogees. The Quad is a bit more coherent, but few speakers can best the quads in that regard. The Quad is also dipolar, which offers it's own rewards and drawbacks. I personally found the ESL 63 to be an unsatisfactory speaker for the reasons noted above; I've never been as happy with a speaker as with the 626. (I've been in this hobby seriously for 35 years, and have owned well over 100 pair of fine speakers.) The only speaker I've owned that I would take back over the VMPS is the Apogee Diva, which is an enormous dipole which I no longer have space for.
The RM30 I believe does all the 626 does on a larger scale; if my room was a bit bigger (and I wasn't still so delighted with my 626s after 18 months)I'd go with them. Taste is a huge issue, of course; YMMV.
He says that the only speaker he would take over the 626 is a DIVA. I like my RM30 too (bigger model) but i seriously would not put it up against a Apogee Maggie etc..
Wondering if this guy has the EAR or the COMPONENT thing?...or lacks both? He has owned over 100 pair of speakers he his opinion to be trusted?
It would seem that (Tiny Tim) owns Maggie 3.6's and the much larger (and better) Vmps RM-30's and does not agree with this speaker expert.
I also do not reason why opinions are worth so little to me over the years.