Haven't heard the Panasonic or read anything about it but my guess is your going to get better build quality with Denon.Also you have a number of folks out there that will do mods on the Denon if you have the scratch (and no pun intended) get the "itch".I'd be looking at Sony and Denon.Whereas sometimes you a spectacular performer at a rediculous price the $1K and below marklet seems to to be sewn up with Sony and Denon.Have heard that Sony's generally have video edge but if used for hi-rez or even red book Denon should gte the nod.Do some searches including on audioreview.com though it's a suspect forumn to some extent because those submitting reviews tend to have allready bpought whatever there submitting on and want to justtify themselves and telleveryone what genuises they are.CNET might also have something on Panasonic.