Mating power cords with APL 3910

While waiting for my (Denon) APL 3910 to arrive, I need some help in coming up with a short list of power cords to audition with it. In addition to listing the PCs you liked best with this unit, it would be most helpful if you could provide some specificity. In particular, what sonic and musical virtues are the offspring when the particular PC is mated with the APL 3910? Sonically speaking, which PCs didn't do as well with it? Are there any PCs that mate well (or don't mate well) with digital sources in general?
For grins, I just tried an Epiphany on my APL-3910 in place of my Elrod Sig 2 - I was astonished at the difference. Much better dynamics and more detail as well as slightly better imaging. It was almost as though a "veil" had been lifted. Sound seems a little more forward, as opposed to laid back with the Sig2, but that's not a bad thing.

The 3910 also appears to be happier.
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Fplanner2000 and Tvad,

Was the cord you tried an Epiphany or the Epiphany X?


In an earlier post you wrote that the Elrod Statement made a huge difference between the wall and your AC conditioner. Are you still happy with the Statement there? Have you compared the Statement with the Epiphany (or X) between the wall and conditioner? If so, what are the sonic differences?

Good Listening,
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Mine is also an Epiphany, not X.
I am still happy with the Statements. Been talking with a West Coast dealer who suggested trying an Epiphany X between wall and conditioner. IF I ever become disenchanted with the Statements, I may try that. My concern is that by doing so, the system may become too "bright" - having 2 Epiphanys in the same chain. My speakers are pretty efficient (95 db)and for now, this balance of Statements from wall to conditioner to amp, with Epiphanys on the tuner and Denon 3910 sounds "just right". I really like the weight and musicality provided by the Statements in combination with the extended highs, slightly higher resolution and broader, more open soundstage of the Epiphanys on the front end, at least in my system.
Hope this helps.