I need a musical sub under 500,,,,new or used.

I'm currently using a velodyne ct-150 for music. It is extremely slow. It's great for movie impact but it just can't keep up with the music. I would like to get a musical sub but I can't afford the megabucks sub (rel/sunfire, etc). Looking to spend about 500 new or used. Any suggestions on which sub I should be looking for.
B&W ASW 600 sounds good to me. 10 inch 150watts. $500. I'm fairly new to the high-end stereo game but this is what I own and it's nice and tight for music. Some of the others that I listened to(including HSU) sounded way to boomy for me. I have a pair of B&W 602's and the sub blends in perfect with it. You can't tell that it is there.
VMPS New larger subwoofer..it sells for 700$..I don't think you can find a used one..no one sells them on the used market..why?/because they are so good.....
Hsu distributed by Ascend Acoustics or Parts Express sells a sub. These would be two options.