Speakers to beat wife-factor ?

I'm looking to replace my Klipsch Forte's with something more refined, but wife-factor requires placement very near rear brick wall, in a 12x14 room (England). Child-factor requires floor-standers -- boxes on stands wouldn't survive. Would like a Maggie-flavored sound, but is there anything that can deliver with its back to the wall and its feet on the ground? I want to keep the solid bass I have now with the Forte's, but want to improve the rest of the sound. Is my quest impossible?
Please review ProAc 2.5 Speakers, Totem Forest and the Soliloquy 5.3 Speakers. Also Vienna Acoustics Beethoven (3.2)and Joseph Audio RM25si. good luck.
You can go 2 ways, A small heavy speaker or one very large speaker. I beat my wife with a small heavy speaker so my arm doesn't get tired. Did I understand the question?
Buy a wall mount speakers. The kids will screw you up if you have floor standing speakers. They will open the grill and screw your drivers. That's my experienced