Best loudspeaker on the 3k range???

Which is the best speaker for the 3k range? An used Merlin VSM with BAM? or a B&W Nautilus 804? or the NOVA Bravo?
Ditto on the Hales Revelatipon 3 speakers.All top grade parts ,in the same tradition of 5 figure reference speakers !!!Cardas gold plated connectors and internal wire.Special polypropylene woofer designed for the Rev 3.Top polyprophylene capacitors. A - rated by Stereophile and very good owner reviews at audio review.Read the review at audio revolution. A give away at list price of $2195 and a steal if you can find a rare used pair.The very best value for exceptional sound within $3000.and will hold their own to good 5k speakers.
NHT 2.9 have awesome base response and can virtually disappear. They retail for $2500-2700 but dealers will negotiate. NHT makes great speakers throughout their line but high end dealers don't carry them very often. Very underpublicized speakers that are worth checking out.
IMHO, it's the Magneplanar 1.6QR. This option has the added advantage of leaving you with $1,500 change in your pocket.
PSB Gold or Gold i. Beast full range speaker for under 3000 dollars. I have owned B7W 801 and these PSB are not far behind. Wonderful mid-range and solid,accurate base.
Best value is PSB Gold-i, can be purchased new over internet for $1900. JA review in Stereophile says it all. Use the extra money for some good cables, interconnects, or powersnakes Black Mamba power cords!