power amp or integrated?--tube of course

I am looking to upgrade to a full tube system, currently have AR LS7 Pre Amp, EAR Phono stage, SOTA Saphire TT/MC Gold, Rotel 100 WPC Amp. I am considering VAC and BAT, Looking used--either the Avatar by VAC or one of their Power amps that have a suggested MSRP of about 4,000.00
Would also consider power amps from BAT, don't know if they make an integrated amp.
The appeal of one less componet makes sense, but I don't want to short change myself.
Would I be better off getting rid of the LS-7/EAR in favor of an integrated amp, or should I keep them and just get rid of the solid state amp?
I have a pr of Audio Physic Tempos.
Thx for your help
Hello Jim,

I listened Vac Avatar, briefly and was impressed. However, the nicest amp i had listened was actualy SS receiver Magnum Dynalab MD 208 with Wilson CUB speakers. Also, ARC have nice integrated so as Musical Fidelity M3 Nu-Vista. With your budget you should be able to pick and choose among the best.
jim: your audio physic speakers are quite efficient (90 db). they should, thus, be easily driven by a pathos twin tower integrated (35 w, class a, into 8 ohms). the pathos is a great sounding and looking component. i highly recommend it. -kelly
Jim: before reading Kelly's post my mind went to the Twin Towers! I have listened to the Tempo/Pathos combo & was favourably impressed. The amp sounded well in control, the timbres were good and the sound beautifully fluid.

The NuVista mentioned above had a drier sound -- but the particular piece I listened to had problems... so, the sound is not necessarily indicative of the model's performance.

Good luck!