Dynaudio vs. Meadowlark

Which would you pick? Audience 70 or Std. Shearwater? System=bryston 3bst,Anthem Pre1l,Marantz CD67SE.
now if you wanted to spend more... Silverline Sonatinas are VERY hard to beat. Blows the Shearwaters away (and many other speakers). SETs are FANTASTIC with the silverline Sonatinas... but enough of my rantings... happy listening.(The problem with most Dyns is that you are basically limited to solid state gear or high power push pull tube designs. The meadowlark and silverline stuff allow you to pick any amp you want lest you change your mind in the future...)
The Meadowlark Shearwaters are great sounding speakers. I have heard them in three different listening rooms with different setups and they always sound good. I am curious though why I see the for sale so often. It makes me wonder if people get tired of them. I bought Aerieal Acoustics model 6s instead and like them a lot. They need more power though.
The Shearwaters were reviewed in a recent (within the last few months) issue of Absolute Sound. As I recall, the reviewer liked them...and since he listed the system with which he auditioned them, you may find it of some help.