Andra II vs. WattPup 7 vs Legacy Focus 20/20

I am at a loss. The upgrade bug has bitten once again but am looking for some feedback. Have listened to the WP 7 and seen all the accolades - just not that impressed with them. Any feedback on the Eggleston Works Andra II's or taking a step down in price - big, the new Legacy Focus 20/20's. Will be driving the new speakers with Pass X600's. Prefer a big open soundstage sound versus strict adherence to accuracy and detail. Thanks
I have Legacy Signature III's . They sound especially good if Im playing my free CD from Ridge Street Audio !
If the original post said I am looking for the most accurate measured speakers in the world , and someone replied Legacy, and you said that would be a joke, than your point would have validity. But once again the original poster states "Prefer a big open soundstage sound versus strict adherence to accuracy and detail". To call a speaker that is well reviewed and enjoyed by many a joke , is to insult the many in the community that enjoy them . And if all we had to do was "measure electronics" we would never even have to demo them, we could just buy everything sound unheard. If they are not your cup of tea, thats fine. Again, we have to refer to the original post. This boy wants to Rock. He doesnt want no sissy girl speakers.
Transporter you are right, he did say he wants a big open soundstage, so maybe the Legacy's are a good match for him. There are also a lot of other speakers with a big open soundstage that are not as compromised as the Legacy. If he wants to buy the Legacy speakers he should buy them, but he can still do better.
Onhwy61, if you have read anything I have written on AudiogoN then you know I am not a 'measurement over everything else' person. I am much more willing to accept JA's measurements (since the measurement process is well defined and understood) than someone elses opinion about the sound of a product.

Measurements are limited by the understanding of science as to what is taking place in many key areas, but the ability to measure frequency response is actually quite simple. The Legacy Focus 20/20 is not flat where it should be flat! If that doesn't bother you buy it and enjoy it!
Actually I own Martin Logans and I love them. But a friend of mine owns the Legacy Focus 20/20 , I have heard many of his jazz and blues recordings and kick drums sounded like kick drums, The midrange sounded excellent {although I felt B&W was a little wider} and the highs were quite nice. Actually this has nothing to do with you or Legacy , But when it comes to speakers , there are probably 20 to 30 manufacturers I could live happily ever after with, but when it comes to front end , pre amplifiers, and Power Amplifiers , the only ones I would consider , I could count with one hand. I just beieve in general people think backwards. It all starts at the front end. The optimum sound potential of most speaker owners is never realized because they spend too much on their speakers and too little on the rest of thier equipment. Just my opinion.