Will 33h drive Confidence 5?

Will Levinson 33h adequately drive Dynaudio Confidence 5 in 15x30x8 room?
I don't see why not (Is it not like 300 wpc into 4 ohms?) Unless you need to listen at over 105 dB in the seat (nobody needs to do that). I'd love to try some Confindence 5's. I have the Esotar midranges, and am designing speakers that will use them. The most perfect midrange reproducer in existence!
I wish to purchase a pair of 33H mono blocks. Interested in selling??? Please email bagwellgcb@aol.com
Bagwell...I don't have a pair, trying to decide whether to buy 33h's or 336 for my Confidence 5's...Carl, thanks for your thoughts....they are 300 at 4 ohms, but I've heard from some the 5's need more than that...looking for advice from those who have or have heard the combination....thanks..