Which speakers work close to back wall?


I have placement issues and need a speaker that works well being placed relatively close to the back wall. I know the Linn models do (such as the Ninka and even the Espek) and I know the Totem Arro does. I would like to know if there are any other models up to the $3,000 price point that I should consider. Thanks.
Come to think of it...my Merlin VSM-M's are front-ported and also work well near the rear wall. I normally keep them about 5' out, but occasionally push them back to 18"-24" when guests stay over. The bass does increase some and there is some loss of depth, but they still sound surprisingly good. I think their TSM stand-mounts would also qualify.
Spendor S 3/5, and the Harbeth HL-P3es2 would make excellent
choices for your needs. Both sound very musical and depending on your equipment/musical preferences/room dimensions one of these loudspeakers should suit you well.
Reference 3A's. Several reviewers have listened to different models near the backwall with minimal detrimental effects and give them the thumbs up. Good luck!
Some good NHT models are designed to be placed near or even against the wall behind them. Good Luck. Craig